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Scenes of Bridlington Installed

My four felted seascapes are now installed and on display in Bridlington Hospital. The pieces were commissioned by HAFNEY with lots of involvement from members of staff at Bridlington Hospital.

They’re the culmination of many MANY hours of work and I’m really pleased with them and how they look in situ.

Yesterday I popped across to Bridlington again for a wee ‘opening event’ for them and so the communications team could get a photo of the pictures and a group of us who were involved in them together. In this picture there’s my good self, Ken Brown, Lorraine and Dawn Stead all of whom work at Bridlington Hospital and Jon, the head of Art at Bridlington School. (The wonderful Jo Davis cunningly avoided being in the photograph).

It was a lovely event and it was great to see how interested folk were in them, there were lots of questions about how they were made, how the scenes were selected etc.

I think they work nicely in that space, I hope they brighten up the place for patients, visitors and staff at the hospital for many years to come.

If you’d like to find out more about HAFNEY (Hospital Arts for North East Yorkshire) or the Arts in York Hospital, click here.

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