Silk Painting with the Osbaldwick Owls Out of School Club

This was the second of two workshops for the Osbaldwick Owls this summer. I turned up at Osbaldwick primary school once more, this time with boxes chock full of silk painting supplies.

There were a fair few familiar faces from last week which was lovely. After a quick round of hello from last weeks soap makers I got to setting up.
As with last week, I worked with the kids in groups of 6, setting each of them up with a square of stretched silk; some blank, some with letters pre-painted on them. I showed them how to paint and blob the silk dyes onto their fabric in different ways to get all sorts of fab patterns, followed by showering the drying work with rock salt to make the colours swirl and mingle.
It was a toasty warm day and very few of the pieces needed hair drying before they were ready to go. I took myself and my trusty sewing machine off to the teacher’s lounge to assemble the 23 gorgeous squares into a huge, swirly banner.
The kids and staff all seemed very pleased with their efforts, as well they should be. Everyone did a grand job and each of the squares looked beautiful. Another hugely enjoyable sesh!